Churchill’s Mission To Rescue War Horses – Bringing Tens Of Thousands Home

As horse lovers, most of us have seen the movie War Horse. We shared tears of sadness and joy. It even opened our eyes to the conditions our soldiers and horses were put through. Thanks to these Soldiers and horses were are able to enjoy our horses the way we do today. But as the movie depicted, and many other stories of our history has, it hasn’t always been that way.

During the First World War, the horses were put in extremely dangerous and gruesome situations right alongside our soldiers. The military relied heavily on those horses to carry men, weapons, and supplies. They spent tens of millions of dollars to buy up over a million horses from Britain, Canada, and the Us. After the World War, our men were able to come home but what was to become of the horses?
Recently, there has been a document uncovered that shows the truth behind the conditions our horses were left in and the compassion Winston Churchill had for them. The horses were at risk of disease, hunger and even becoming victims of the French and Belgian butchers tables. All because we could not get them home.
Churchill was furious once he got word of the conditions the horses were left in and what they were about to face. He was able to secure their return after relentlessly stating his anger and concern to the officials within his own department and at the Ministry of shipping, who then promised to return over 10,000 horses a week. Sending word to Quartermaster-General Sir Travers Clarke he stated: ” If it is so serious, what have you been doing about it?” This then let to an extra vessel to aid in the return of the War Horses!
Source, Written By, Jona Lane. Horses have been our partners and best friends’ for many centuries and they have helped us shape our future. They will also be by our side in work and in luxury. Thank you to those Soldiers and Horses who have served! Share this on Facebook if you are thankful for those who protect our Freedom!